On the third day of the performative drawing week we explored colour and pigments. We collected materials and substances that we could extract colour from and documented these on an A1 sheet of paper. I found that you could get colour from practically anywhere- outside, earth materials and pigments such as mud, grass, and clay that artists have been painting with for decades and centuries; in the kitchen, spices and food colouring, fruit and vegetables; in the bathroom, cleaning equipment and solutions, bleach and all sorts. We learnt that pigments are primarily animal, mineral and vegetable based. I was fascinated by this workshop because it reminded me of how the ancient Egyptians were famous for their exploitation and experimentation of colour- the make-up industry was inspired from this ancient civilization and had it not been for them, it perhaps would not exist now.
Photographs of my work
This image you see here is of an A1 sheet with three paintings of my pet project on it, these paitings were done using the colours and pigments that I mixed together and so are all alternative paiting media.
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